layer hidden off the screen
All Course Information - Fall 2024


Total Fees

(In State) 320.31
(Out of State) 1148.70
Credit Hours 3.0
Lab Fee 
In this course, students will learn the foundations of anthropology as the study of human variation in its biological, social, and cultural dimensions. Students will learn about anthropological concepts, principles, and methodologies to understand and explore past and present human behavior. They will apply the anthropological approach to analyze issues pertaining to past and contemporary cultures, and develop intellectual skills and habits to understand behavioral, social, and cultural issues from multiple disciplinary perspectives.
Ref# Sect Instructor Days Time Campus
      Session    Meeting Dates: 2024-08-19-2024-12-07
00493 001 MAIN MEREDITH M.W.... 12:30:00-13:45:00 NW K-267 WG
00494 002 LAFFEY ANN .T.H... 09:30:00-10:45:00 NW L-263 WG
00495 003 LAFFEY ANN .T.H... 11:00:00-12:15:00 NW L-263 WG
00496 0M1 MAIN MEREDITH ....... WEB *COMP WG