layer hidden off the screen
All Course Information - Fall 2024


Total Fees

(In State) 106.77
(Out of State) 382.90
Credit Hours 1.0
Lab Fee 
This course is intended to teach the principles of human factors science as applied to the system of care, skills needed to function effectively and safely in teams in a modern surgical environment. The course will cover the background psychology of interpersonal interactions and the evidence from other industries on the barriers to safe and effective team communication and cooperation. Students will develop their teamwork and communication skills, explore the principles of hierarchy and power distance, personal styles and coping strategies, situational awareness, secure communication loops, use of checklists and standard operating procedures, how to deal with team dysfunction, leadership, followership, effective briefing and debriefing, models of risk and error in healthcare, and the principles of risk minimization in systems involving humans.
No sections for this course offered in the current term.