Course Descriptions
2023-2024 School Year

HUM2020  Introduction to the Humanities  3.0   P
This course introduces the student to a range of ideas and themes in the humanities. Students will be required to attend exhibitions/performances of the humanities.... Full Description

HUM2230  Renaissance through the Enlightenment  3.0   P
HUM2230 introduces the student to the dominant values in Western culture as expressed in the literary, visual and performing arts, philosophy, and religions from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment. Specific attention will be paid to the interrelationship between the cultures and the humanities.... Full Description

HUM2420  Humanities of Africa  3.0   P
This is an introductory survey of the humanities of Africa. It draws from interdisciplinary sources to examine the histories, cultural systems, political structures, economic arrangements, social relationships, and geographies experienced by the diverse populations of people connected to Africa from prehistory to the present. Students will critically analyze and evaluate the ways unique social and historical experiences, ideas, and cultural values are communicated through humanistic activities and art forms.... Full Description

HUM2461  Latin American Humanities  3.0   P
This is an introductory survey of the humanities of Latin America. It draws from interdisciplinary sources to examine the histories, cultural systems, social-political structures, economic systems, and geographies experienced by the diverse populations of people connected to Latin America from prehistory to the present. Students will critically analyze and evaluate the ways unique social and historical experiences, ideas, and cultural values are communicated through humanistic activities and art forms.... Full Description

HUM2305  What is a Good Life  3.0   P
What is a Good Life introduces students to the academic study of various ways in which humankind has answered meaning of life questions and the ways in which such questions and possible answers have generated responses to domestic and global issues. Through a close examination of relevant works of the arts, literature, history, religion, politics, society, psychology, ethics, and philosophy, students in this class will consider the basic question, What is the Good Life? The course will serve as an invitation to a broad interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and global approach to the humanities and to a lifetime of reflection on the human condition through the unique opportunities available to the students at Santa Fe College.... Full Description

HUM2410  Introduction to Asian Humanities  3.0   P
This is an introductory survey of the humanities of Asia. It draws from interdisciplinary sources to examine the histories, cultural systems, socio-political structures, economic systems, and geographies experienced by the diverse populations of people living in and people connected to Central, South, East, and Southern Asia from prehistory to the present. Students will critically analyze and evaluate the ways unique social and historical experiences, ideas, and cultural values are communicated through humanistic activities and art forms.... Full Description

HUM2250  18th Century through the Present  3.0   P
This introduces the student to the dominant values in Western culture as expressed in the literature, visual arts, performing arts, philosophy and religions from the 18th century through the present. Specific attention will be paid to the interrelationship between the achievements of the arts and other forms of culture. Students must demonstrate the skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, evaluation, decision-making, critical and creative thinking, and the creative process.... Full Description

HUM2210  Ancient World to Renaissance  3.0   P
This course introduces the student to the dominant values in Western culture as expressed in literature, visual arts, performing arts, philosophy, and religions from the ancient world through the Renaissance. Specific attention will be paid to the interrelationship between the cultures and the humanities.... Full Description

HUM2450  American Humanities  3.0   P
This is an introduction survey of the humanities of the geographic areas that comprise the United States. It draws from interdisciplinary sources to examine the histories, cultural systems, political structures, economic arrangements, social relationships, and geographies experienced by the diverse populations of people connected to the U.S. from prehistory to the present. Students will critically analyze and evaluate the ways unique social and historical experiences, ideas, and cultural values are communicated through humanistic activities and art forms.... Full Description