Course Descriptions
2023-2024 School Year

ENC0025  Developmental Writing 2  4.0   C
This course is designed to teach skills needed for writing unified, coherent paragraphs with correct grammar, usage, mechanics, punctuation, and sentence structure. Students registered for this course must pass the coursework and the final exam before registering for ENC1101 or other writing related courses.... Full Description

ENC0055  Development Writing  1.0   C
This course is designed to help students develop writing skills needed for college course work. This course covers two areas: basic grammar skills for writing and the basic formats for college writing that includes the argumentative paragraph. Students will be given a diagnostic to determine which skills need remediation; then a prescriptive individual plan will be developed for each student.... Full Description

ENC0022  Developmental Writing 1 and 2  4.0   C
This course pairs the learning outcomes and course objectives of developmental writing one and two and is designed to help students examine and improve writing and thinking skills and processes needed for college level coursework. This course is designed for students to practice English grammar conventions and compose a variety of their own writings including compound and complex sentences and argumentative paragraphs. This will occur through a variety of teaching and learning experiences including lectures, class activities, cooperative learning activities, homework assignments, and online activities.... Full Description

ENC0015  Developmental Writing 1  4.0   C
This course is designed for basic writing skills development. It focuses on basic grammar skills and basic paragraph writing skills. The skills will be developed through class lectures, individual and small group activities, writing lab activities, computer lab activities, and homework assignments.... Full Description

REA0017  Developmental Reading 2  4.0   C
This course is designed to improve basic skills and critical thinking. It focuses on recognition of main ideas, supporting details, author's purpose, tone, valid arguments, explicit and implicit relationships within and between sentences, the ability to detect bias, to distinguish fact from opinion, to draw logical inferences and conclusions, and vocabulary and study skills at the college preparatory level. Students must pass the course work and the final exam before they register for designated college courses.... Full Description

ENC0027  Developmental Reading and Writing 2  4.0   C
This course pairs the learning outcomes and course objectives of developmental reading two and developmental writing two. It is designed to help students examine and improve reading, writing, and thinking skills and processes needed for college level course work. This course is designed for students to construct understandings of a variety of texts including passages/chapters from college textbooks and to practice English grammar conventions and compose a variety of their own texts including argumentative paragraphs and five paragraph essays. This will occur through a variety of teaching and learning experiences including lectures, class activities, cooperative learning activities, homework assignments, and online activities. By thinking cr Full Description

REA0007  Developmental Reading 1  4.0   C
This course is designed to develop basic reading and study skills. It focuses on vocabulary development, literal reading skills, and basic critical reading skills. The skills will be developed through class lectures, individual and small group activities, reading lab activities, computer lab activities, and homework assignments. Students registering for this course must demonstrate competency before registering for REA0017.... Full Description